Tommy’s Tours and Safaris
  • Swakopmund

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  • Longitude: 14.526176
  • Latitude: -22.678421
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Tommy’s Tours and Safaris

The Living Desert Tour, originally developed by Tommy himself in the 1990’s, is a unique 4x4 adventure drive through the dunes outside Swakopmund, Namibia. Just the drive in the dunes is an amazing experience, but Tommy will show you a lot more than sand. The tour takes you from the vegetated, life-rich eastern side of the dunes, right through the dunes to the Atlantic Ocean on the western side of the dune belt.

Tommy introduces you to some of the fascinating, hidden life in this apparently barren landscape that is part of the Namib Desert. Here you can find creatures endemic to the Namib: the sidewinder (Peringuey's Adder), the Palmato Gecko with its transparent skin and beautiful colours - we dig into the dune side to find this nocturnal desert-dweller. We track the large Namaqua Chameleon, and watch it enjoy brunch. Then it's a dash to catch the swift sand-diving lizard.

We find out how the area's plants and small animals survive the harsh climate, and how they obtain water for life. You will also track a FitzSimon's Burrowing Skink across the dune face, in hopes of catching this legless lizard. Along the way, Tommy will explain the variety of dune colours. At the end of the tour, weather permitting, you will experience a 'roaring' dune.

Other characters to be found in the dune belt are the 'dancing' White Lady Spider; the Parabuthus Villosus black scorpion; the occasional horned adder or sand-snake; desert wasps, fish-moths, crickets and several beetle species, and many more.

A Living Desert Tour with the enthusiastic Tommy is educational, fun and an unforgettable experience. You will see the desert and dunes with new eyes. The photographic opportunities are endless too: make sure those batteries are charged before you leave!


See all the desert that the area has to offer in this full day tour, by doing a Living Desert Tour in the morning, Welwitchia/Moon Landscape in the afternoon. The ever-popular Welwitschia/Moon Landscape drive takes us inland to the "Moon Landscape" and the Swakop River Canyon with its amazing rock formations; the Oasis Goanikontes, flora such as the Welwitchia Mirabilis plant, Tsamma, 'Living Stones'; sightings of wildlife, lichen fields, and much more.

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